Monday, August 25, 2008


Nikolaas made his grass track debut today. We trotted once around in each direction. He was alittle scared but soon calmed down. I was so proud!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Riding in the "Real Dressage Arena"

Nik is going nicely and has graduated to the unfenced real large dressage arena. We have even attempted to canter a 20 M circle. It wasn't really a circle but he did complete it! Today after our ride I walked him on the woods trail and trotted him too. He was perfect. He is leg yielding nicely and cantering longer distances without constant reminding from me.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Lesson during aThunderstorm

Had a fine lesson today in the indoor and of course it was raining and thundering. Nik as usual took it in stride and was perfect. Some reminders to work on:
Leg yield at trot, come down to walk if not responding
shallow serpentine
stretchy circle
TOF off left leg walk forward during
Use the Verhan saddle.