Thursday, December 3, 2009

Trail Ride Along CT River

We had a lovely day a few weeks ago. I went on a trail ride with 2 other Friesian owners. Nik was really well behaved! We had some trouble going through water but we worked it out and he did get his feet wet. He only get a little excited when he saw other horses in the distance. He also led for awhile too. It was a great day with beautiful weather.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Friesian Drill Team

We had FDT practice at my house today. Nikolaas was a little off guard and out of character when we first started. He was very excited about the other 3 horses in "his " arena. He soon relaxed and was a good boy. It was a beautiful day, sunny and a lot of fun.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fabuloso Clinic

Despite a crummy rainy day, I went up to Amherst for a lesson with Chris. We really worked on his one big problem, reaction time and forwardness. Our exercises involved slow trot to working trot with a big push from behind. Some ground work with turn on the FH and getting a reaction from the whip. Great time and some friends came to cheer me on. Fun Day!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Back in the saddle

Now that I am done with treatments and feeling well, I am back to riding full time. I just joined a Friesian Drill team and have had 2 practices. Nik is a natural and loves the other horses. It has helped with his motivation problem. We have just gotten Kade, the welsh cob, home from Gina the horse backer. I have started riding him too. This weekend is Equine Affaire, aka as shopping time, and I have a lesson with Chris on Saturday. Lots to look forward to!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Summer fun

Nik has been ridden a lot out back on our grass track. It has helped with his forward issues. Karen has been riding him twice a week out back and I have been riding about 2 -3 days a week in the driving arena. He is doing great. Learned walk-canter transitions, better bending and connection. Leg yields are better and straighter. Our next obstacle is getting him through water. We have a brook and have been working at getting in it. Karen is making some progress but he is really scared. Hopefully I will be back riding full time in about 5 weeks, once my radiation is over. Just in time for the cold weather.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Well, Mr. Nik was very behind the leg at the show. The good news is that he was very well behaved but he wasn't interested in cantering. Hopefully he'll get out to another show before the season is over.
Nik has been doing really well. Karen has been coming 2 times a week to ride him during my illness and I ride on my good days. We rode Nik and Tiki out on the grass track and walk, trotted and cantered together and they were perfect. Ari and I hope to take them both to the beach this fall.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Getting ready for Show time

I have my one and only show this season this weekend. Will be doing T2 and T4. Hope we have good weather. Nik has been going well, canters are more prompt and less lead swapping. There will be a few friends showing so it should be alot of fun. My big hurrah before surgery....

Saturday, April 25, 2009


After being diagnosed with cancer at the end of January, my riding has been off and on due to treatments. The last few weeks have been steady and he is coming along nicely.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ice falling off the roof and I lived to tell about it!

Today while riding, we had some ice drop off the roof. Nik did spook a bit but he calmed down right away. I was worried that we were going to have a full roof slide so I did a short ride. We did a 10M circle and leg yielded to 20M with a 10M in the opposite direction on the open side of the circle. Also working on smaller circles, bending and listening to my forward aids.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Nik grew 1/2 an inch!!!!!!!

Nik is officially 15.2 1/2! I was tacking him up yesterday and noticed he looked taller so I measured him. I then rode outside in the snow for the second day in a row. He seemed to enjoy it and I had a lot of fun.