Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Nikolaas 5/2011

I wasn't able to go to the Mother's Day show because I got a cold. Here I am schooling some leg yields on a circle and lengthenings. It was a cold windy day and Nik had lots of impulsion!


Carol said...

He's so gorgeous! Nice trot work. Too bad you couldn't get to the show.

Blogger said...

Thanks, our first recognized show is Memorial Day weekend. We are showing Training 3 and First 1!

Achieve1dream said...

He is so beautiful and such a gorgeous mover. :)

Did you pet him with your outside hand because you were changing directions? I was taught to pet with the inside rein and keep steady contact with the outside rein. I'm still learning and just curious. :)

Blogger said...

Thank you. Ideally you should pet with the inside hand but I had my whip in my inside hand and I'm not that coordinated! I think of it as an uberstreichen.