Sunday, December 30, 2007

Getting better

Yesterday After a lite lunge with sidereins, I rode solo. I went around the entire arena. Did some trotting. The steering is still alittle scarey but we got around! Today, Nik got a well deserved rest. Tonight we are supposed to get more snow.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Trotted Solo

Today I trotted Nik by myself!!!!!! He needed some encouragement from Bob on the ground with the lunge whip but he was excellent

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Riding without the line

After a short lunge in side reins and Bob lunging me on Nik, I rode around at the walk off the line. I did some turning, stopping and going. I carried a dressage whip to help with the going.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day

Today, I lunged Nik with side reins for the first time. He was fine. He then had his homemade Christmas horsey treats. YUM.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas EVE

After a week off because of bad weather, I started Nik up again. Bob lunged me on Nik at the walk and trot. Afterwards I walked around off the line, worked on stop and go and steering. He was awesome!

Friday, December 14, 2007

We trotted together!

Today, after a lite lunge, Doris came by and lunged me on Nick. We worked on steering and stopping. Then we trotted on the lunge line. He was a bit confused at first but then we trotted in both directions. I am going to start to lunge him in side reins.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Steering and stopping

Today I rode around the arena, steering as best as we can at this point. I worked on stop and go and turning. Bob had the lunge line on but stood off to the side. If the weather is good we'll try a trot tomorrow!!!!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Frisky Friesian

Today during our lite lunge, Nik was full of himself. A little buck and cantering. Nice to see him with his own impulsion. After, Bob led me around and then we walked on the lunge line in a circle and worked on stopping and going. He was a good student!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Pony Ride

After a lite lunge again, Bob led me around again on Nik. He seemed more comfortable.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Riding on the lead line

It's been bad weather for a few days but today after a lite lunge, I got on Nik and Bob lead me around the arena in both directions. He was perfect.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

All Aboard!

After light lunging, we brought Nik over to the mounting block again. First Ari leaned over him. Then I leaned on him and then just decided to climb aboard. The first time he was eating a sugar cube and I don't think he even noticed. Then I got on again and patted him and moved around. He was perfect.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Maple Syrup fix

Nick loved the bit tonight. A little wif of the maple syrup and he couldn't wait to get the bit into his mouth. I then lightly lunged him with the bridle, saddle and the stirrups hanging and banging. We then practised standing at the mounting block. He's a good boy!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Another day with light lunging with the saddle on, no stirrups. Working on keeping him going and staying on the circle. He seems very willing. The bad news is Tiki is now in heat and driving him crazy. I had 4H tonight at our barn and the kids just loved him. They were intrigued with his amorous feelings for Tiki. A little embarassing.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Wearing the Dressage Bridle

I believe Nick has worn a bridle for the keuring but today we wore the big boy dressage bridle. Well at least we fit it. He is wearing a full size bridle but needs an oversize noseband and browband. I put it on and within a minute he stood quietly with it on. He wasn't thrilled to put the bit in so I'll do the molasses dunk the next time.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Lunging with the saddle

After 2 days off for good behavior, I lunged Nick with the saddle last night. He was excellent. Went like he didn't even have it on.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Today we lunged with the surcingle on. Then we went over to the mounting block and I layed over his back while Ari fed him 3 horse cookies. Yum.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Surcingle on

Today Nick wore the surcingle in his stall for awhile. I worked on lunging at the walk and the trot.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Let snow, let it snow, let it snow

Not even Thanksgiving yet and we had our first snow fall. A cold, cold day. Just did beauty session, saddle on with stirrups and walked him around. Will lunge tomorrow when it warms up!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Our First Lunge

Our session started with a deer running past the arena door. He was a little inattentive after that but then he got better. We worked on walking and stopping and trying to stay on a circle. He even walked over the cavaletti because he wanted to. We then worked on backing, yielding to pressure, whoaing, standing. He didn't seem to miss Chelsea at all.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Walking with the saddle on

Tonight after our grooming session, Nick walked with the saddle on with the girth lightly tightened. He was a little tentative but followed the program. Tomorrow I will start to longe him a little.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Saddle with girth pressure

After I brushed him, I placed the saddle again ,this time with some girth pressure. He handled it all in stride. Did a little hair maintenance too. He is another really neat in the stall Friesian. Puts his piles in the back. Makes my job easier.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Height and weight

Nick measured at 15.1H and 960 lbs; we need a couple more inches in the future.......
After I brushed and picked his feet ,I placed my saddle on tonight without the girth. I will need to have the tree narrowed for now. He is still a slim boy. He was a very good boy. It was raining all day and when I walked down to the barn with my umbrella Nick came over to me at the fence line to check it out. He even touched it with his nose. He certainly has a brave spirit.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I'm such a Good Boy!

Today is Nick's 3rd day at our farm. Everynight I have been putting him on the cross ties and brushing him. Tonight he was very comfortable and stood perfectly. I even put a saddle pad on him and moved it all over. He didn't even flinch. This afternoon I walked him in the indoor arena over the ground poles and over to Bob's carriage. He was very relaxed. Seeing himself in the mirrors did perk him up a bit. I'm so happy with him.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Nikolaas has arrived

Nick has arrived at Claybrook Farm on Sunday morning from Wausau Wisconsin. My awesome husband went 20 hours to and fro to bring him home to CT. He has settled in nicely. Our 34yo mare thinks he is her own personal boy toy. His arrival knocked her right out of menopause. He was recently gelded 6 weeks ago and still has some stallion mannerisms. He is a Friesian by Anne out of a Jacob mare. I purchased him from Northster Friesians. He is unbroke so I will chronicle our journey together.