Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Totilas look alike!

Bought Nik and new brow band at the NEDA Fall Festival. I had a lovely weekend being a ring steward as I spent the summer on crutches. Here is Nik and I think he looks like Totilas!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Getting woken up at midnight by running hoof beats is never a good thing. Looks like itchy butt Nik pushed down the top 2 rails of his paddock fence. He meandered over to Tiki's paddock and got her running. This woke me up and startled the dogs. I put the back light on and noticed a horse shadow outside of the fencing! The donks just stayed in the field like good donkeys! Nik was easy to catch and the fence was a quick fix.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Beauty Session

It was a beautiful end of the summer day. We hacked around the farm and enjoyed the weather. I then gave Nik a very needed hair spa day with a shampoo, condition and braid. He is so patient. Our sites are headed to show in mid October in the Mystic Show.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I'm riding again.......if you want to call it that

I have been cleared by the Orthopedist to ride as long as I don't fall off. ha ha. I've walked 4 times and yesterday I trotted for one long side. It was not very enjoyable but I hope it will be getting less painful soon.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Nik Gets Shoes

I have been very fortunate for the last few years for Nik to remain barefoot. His feet have gotten so chipped in the front that I had to have shoes put on his front feet. He was a good boy.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Current Life

Here is Nik getting his weekly beauty treatment for his mane and as always being a good boy and holding my crutches for me.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Unplanned Flying Dismount

3 Weeks ago I was bucked off our young pony Kade. Unfortunately I broke my left hip and had 3 pins placed. Another summer wasted. I'm enjoying the horses from the windows of my house. Hopefully I'll be back to riding soon.

Monday, April 26, 2010

First Schooling Show of 2010

We showed at Mount Holyoke College dressage show. Nik was good except for some spooking problem near one of the corners. I was very happy that he was forward, calm in the warm-up (since I ride him alone at home) and mostly attentive. He scored a 65% (2nd place) which was good considering we received a 3 and 4 during his inattentiveness. The bad news is it took him 2 hours to load into the trailer. He has been dining in the morning in the trailer since the show!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Nik goes to Florida for the winter

What a fab winter we had. Trail riding at Black Prong in Florida and getting back into shape. Near the end of our stay I did do some serious dressage. We worked on lengthening his neck to help gain more swing in his back, W-C, C-W, Baby counter canter, LY, started trot and canter lengthenings. He made a lot of progress and gained confidence in his trail riding. Fun, Fun, Fun!